Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"The Class"

Watching at the movie “The Class” I have pondered that it is not easy to become a teacher because for me if I don’t know how to handle the class or I don’t know how to discipline the students I am just teaching in the classroom with no students inside and it is useless.
Mr. Francois Marin a supervisor at the same a teacher. His strategies/methods of teaching are; lecture, hands-on exercises, self-portrait/oral reading, and etc. Mr. Marin encounters different behaviors with his students. I t is not easy for him to deal with those students, therefore, as his strategy in manging conflicts is first he exercise his patience so that what every consequences it may come he is ready to face it. He entertain all the questions of his students even there were some question are very personal and offensive but he tried to answer very calmly. He gave his students freedom to express their own thoughts and opinion in everything. And he gives a follow-up answer or comments to the student who raises the question or opinion. He gave some challenging activities like self-portrait. For his students that kind of activity is very nonsense because they are not used to open their personal matters in the public. But the only purpose of Mr. Marin is to make his students out of their shelves and try to make his students to lift-up and develop their self-esteem. And make them to realize that each of them is very special because of the uniqueness kind they has. Made them to realized their importance as a person exists in this world, believe their capabilities and talents. There were students like Wei a Chinese citizen made Mr. Marin happy because of his being a good and intelligent student.
When there was student who has a very unkind attitude during his class hour and its name was Khoumba. The student makes him bothered in that moment. The way Mr. Marin solves the problem is he called the attention of Khoumba after the class. He was trying to ask the girl why she acts those ways and teach her to learn how to apologize. But, it took a long conversation before the student did what Mr. Marin wants her to do. Here comes another student named Soleymane a hardheaded and a trouble maker student in his class. Due to its deteriorating behavior even Mr. Marin can’t able to stop him. Soleymanesent to the principal and disciplinary committee and sentenced him to drop out in the school.
In teaching profession there were many barricades,challenges, whichtest the capacity of the being an educator just like in the climax point of the story when the semester ends the student says to the teacher that she “learns nothing in his teaching”. A very big issue why the student did not learn even a minute part of the topic he discuss in the class. For me I must be aware of that kind of student, I will use the pre and post-test in order to determine and make sure if the students of mine have gain some knowledge in my teaching.
I am thankful to my instructor like Mrs. Anjie L. Cabahug because I have attained some knowledge from her before the semester ends. She’s agood modelfor me, a good teacher and my shaping director through a better teacherin the future.

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