Monday, August 20, 2012

Learning Comprehension (6th week)

We can learn through our own experiences. When the learner learns, there is a big possibility that the comprehension skills will develop and enhanced. And there, the thinking strategies will become broaden and widen. Whereby effective teacher, there will be more learners. But it must consider their environment. The teacher must have a manageable size of class (40-45students). Also it must have an available and suitable instructional materials and devices.
                There were principles and laws to be followed in order to make the learner and teacher more interactive. Some of the principles which are the very basic is giving democracy and encourages the learner to interplay of its ideas that is necessary condition for growth and development. It is because, giving freedom to a learner in expressing in its own ideas and opinion can help them motivated through effective learning. There were also some laws on order to make the learner and teacher more progressive, it is the LAW OF READINESS. In this law, the learner, the teacher, also the environment must be ready and prepare in every activity to be made so that the teaching and earning process is more effective.

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